Food Safety | CAN | FoodGrads

FOOD SAFETY - SANITATION WORKER 18 17 FOOD SAFETY Sanitation Worker Sanitation is an essential step for any food manufacturing plant. Proper sanitation ensures that food is processed on clean machinery, reducing or eliminating the risk of microbe, pest and allergen-related issues. We simply could not have a safe food system without individuals working on the front lines and keeping plants clean. You could even argue that the sanitation department is one of the most important departments at any food facility. How can you expect to do anything if nothing is clean? To keep things clean, manufacturing facilities hire sanitation workers because they maintain good housekeeping and sanitary conditions within a facility. 1. Sanitation Workers Sanitize and Clean Processing Areas A sanitationworker keepsmanufacturingplants, including its equipment and facilities, clean on a regular and scheduled basis in accordance with government regulations, the public health code and generally accepted food industry sanitation standards. Sanitation workers complete the responsibilities of the sanitation department by working as a part of a sanitation team. They use appropriate cleaning methods (in accordance to Good Manufacturing Standards) to clean all equipment and utensils (i.e., pails, containers, machine parts). Other fixtures sanitation workers may be required to clean are roofs, fans, ceilings, walls and floors. Throughout the cleaning process, sanitation workers complete forms as set out by the sanitation and quality departments. These forms keep track of sanitation procedures and show proof that equipment has been cleaned should an audit occur. Finally, they clean and sanitize production equipment based on a master cleaning schedule. Schedules provide workers with information of what tasks are to be performed on their shift. 2. Sanitation Workers Work in Teams The number of individuals that a sanitation worker works with varies, depending on the size of the company. Many sanitation workers work independently and are assigned specific tasks to complete by the end of their shift. However, sometimes these professionals might be required to work as a team such as when they have to clean a large piece of machinery. Throughout cleaning, workers need to be aware of colleagues and how they clean because it avoids cross-contamination. For example, you wouldn’t want to clean anallergen surface beside a non-allergen surface or use the same water. Not knowing what your co-workers are doing could lead to a food safety risk. 3. Sanitation Workers Don’t Need a Post-Secondary Education The best part about this job is that typically no previous experience or education is required. Facilities will provide you with on-the-job training. Training sometimes comes in the form of formal training, but most can be learned from Sanitation Worker Keeping production plants clean and safe “Cutting boards have been found to contain more bacteria than the average toilet seat,” an excerpt from the blog “Go Ahead, Eat Food Off the Kitchen Floor!” Click the photo to read all about it! Photo by David Fuentes Prieto/iStock/ GettyImagesPlus