Food Safety | CAN | FoodGrads

FOOD SAFETY - SANITATION WORKER SANITATION WORKER - FOOD SAFETY 19 20 7. Sanitation Workers Keep Track of What They do Filling out paperwork isn’t the most enjoyable task in the world but it is a necessity for tracking food safety. Sanitation workers keep track of what they are doing by completing forms and marking check boxes. Theses documents are typically created by the food safety and quality department and are required as part of food safety programs like SQF (Safe Quality Foods)... ...and HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points). Documentation acts as a facility’s proof of cleaning so when an audit comes up, their records “prove” they heave cleaned the machinery. Other basics writing tasks a sanitation work might perform include writing short notes to supervisors requesting supplies and a brief description or report on a corrective action. 8. Sanitation Workers Have a Good Memory, Make Decisions, and Plan Tasks Being a sanitation professional requires a range of skills. However, there are a few which are more essential than others. These skills include: • Good memory – Although sanitation workers have written Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), these take time to read every day. Over time, sanitation workers develop a good working memory by watching other people perform. Having a good memory ensures faster times and better muscle memory as well. • Task planning and organizing – Sanitation workers need to be flexible and prepared at any time for their required tasks to change. For example, an unexpected order might come in for a plant that requests them to clean a machine immediately. They have a good understanding of how long each task will take so they can better organize their day. • Decision making – Many sanitation workers work independently. Therefore, they must have the ability to make decisions such as when it is the best time to perform a task, use appropriate equipment and efficiently deal with a problem. colleagues and supervisors. It’s a good occupation which gives you the option to enter with no formal education and the opportunity to work your way up the ranks and pay grades. You could start off as a sanitation worker, work your way up to a sanitation lead and in some cases even begin to work in the quality or production departments. 4. Sanitation Workers Work in a Mixture of Working Conditions Manufacturing plants vary in the setup of their facilities. Some facilities are cold, some on the more humid side, while others are just at room temperature. Sanitation workers must be prepared to work in different conditions as required by the employer. It’s important to note that each plant differs in their structure and sanitation conditions. Nowadays, a newer plant is highly automated and the environment is very high tech. 5. Sanitation Workers Have Physical Jobs Sanitation workers spend nearly all their time on their feet, moving constantly. Throughout the day, they are required to stand or stoop for the full shift and in many cases, to climb ladders. Good mobility is also required because they must reach high to clean things such as roofs, fans, ceilings and walls using specific procedures as directed. Depending on the size of the equipment, they may have to control high-pressure hoses. Furthermore, these workers move equipment to different parts of the plant and lift heavy chemicals. 6. Sanitation Workers Understand MSDS Sanitation workers come across a variety of chemicals throughout their day and it is integral for their own safety that they know what they are using. To obtain information on chemicals, they look to a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), a document that contains information on the potential hazards (health, fire, reactivity and environmental) of a chemical product. Sanitation workers should have a basic level of writing and reading comprehension. These workers must understand what each chemical does and how to properly use them. Sanitation in Meat and Poultry Plants This video takes you inside the overnight shift at a meat plant and shows the extensive cleaning process from start to finish. Want to learn more about where a career as a sanitation worker can take you? Then check out our partner Mentorship series with CareersNOW! on careers in Sanitation / Health, Safety & Environmental. In this episode interview you can listen to Terri Lynn, Sanitation Supervisor at Trophy Foods talk about: • A day in her life. • Why cleaning is a more complicated job then it sounds. • The right way to go about cleaning in a food processing facility. The following YouTube Mentorship series features our own Nicole Gallace! Ontario Jobs | CareersNOW! Mentorship Series - Sanitation / Health, Safety & Environmental Tune in for an in-depth mentorship session on how to find your perfect job as a food safety professional. This session features two food and beverage industry experts who are active players in the community and offers everything you need to jumpstart your dream career. Is eating cold leftovers risky? Dr. Don and Professor Ben of the Risky or Not podcast say that eating cold leftovers is completely fine and risk free of germs. Click the photo to check them out! Photo by Visivasnc/iStock/GettyImagesPlus Four simple steps at home for food safety: 1. Clean: Wash your hands and surfaces often. 2. Separate: Don’t cross contaminate. 3. Cook with the correct temperature. 4. Chill: Refrigerate promptly. For more food safety tips check out the CDCwebsite.