Sales & Marketing | CAN | FoodGrads

SALES & MARKETING - ACCOUNT MANAGER 2 1 SALES & MARKETING Account Manager Take a moment to think about your favourite brand of cookie. Now think about all the different places you can purchase it from. Every location has been strategically chosen by manufacturing companies based on the consumer they would like to sell to. Each chain of supermarket that they sell to is known as an “account.” Alternatively, for an ingredient sales company (places that sell ingredients like flour and chocolate chips) each cookie factory is considered an “account”. An account is more than just a one-time transaction. If you nurture the relationship, meet client expectations, and build trust than this can lead to long term profitable customers. Companies work with multiple clients but each still requires a personal touch to ensure that the account is in good hands. Having good relationships helps both the account and account representatives. This career profile is looking at the profession of Account Managers and how their management skills help your favourite cookie make it to the shelf. 1. An Account Manager is a Liaison Between a Company and its Customers Account managers represent the post-sales role that focuses on building and strengthening relationships with clients. Their goal is to retain client business and grow and discover opportunities of mutual benefit. Account managers identify the needs of both their business and the customer and decide how to best to meet those needs. They act as the face of the company speaking to specific customers providing updates regarding production, assisting with purchases and suggesting new product/services which would be of benefit to clients. If a customer has a problem with their product, they first reach out to their account manager. Account managers communicate the value of their offerings and negotiate terms so both parties end up happy. They will offer curated custom offerings tailored to the customer’s specific needs. This could include making deliveries on a certain days, selling certain quantities or helping with product development. 2. Account Managers Have Diverse Educational Backgrounds It’s typical for account managers to have a university degree or college diploma in business administration, marketing or commerce. Other degrees include Food Science, engineering and even physical science degrees like Chemistry and Biology. Due to the strong competition for jobs in these fields, a master’s degree could allow for account managers to stand out among other candidates. There are no current schools that offer specific degrees in food account management in Canada or the United States. If students are looking to further their education through a master’s degree, a post graduate degree in Business Administration is suggested. Account Manager Building relationships with customers What Is An Account Manager? watch?v=jTHZzDWJgZk Learn what an account manager is, what account management skills you need to succeed, and best practices. Photo by Cytonn Photography/Pexels