
What does an Operations Training Leader at Mondelez International actually do?

Name: Ron Lecky

Title: Operations Training Leader

Company: Mondelez International

Years worked in current role: 5

Years of experience in food industry: 24

In 300 characters or less, describe your job:

Perhaps the most important aspect of my role is how I approach and influence my fellow colleagues. Often times I create work instructions and manuals to develop training plans so I must deal with many personalities to gather the needed information. A key element to attaining this information is my ability to draw the correct information from the individual so I call upon many resources to do so. Secondary to gathering information is capturing it on film in the form of video and still frames so many times I must ask my colleagues for their patience.

What are the top 3 characteristics you need to be good at your job:

  1. Have a good sense of humour! I believe this for any role I have held over the years. Humour attracts people allowing them to be open and tears down barriers.
  2. Be patient! Life comes at us fast and furious at times and at any given moment we can find ourselves in a situation where, only a second of understanding is needed to prevail.
  3. Be kind! Kindness to and from others generates a positive environment for us all to work in, and we all need to work in a pleasant atmosphere! Always wear a smile!

Why did you decide to pursue a career in food?

I did not decide to make a career in the food industry the choice came out of availability of opportunities. In my 24 years, I have worked with 3 different food manufacturers due to available opportunities. I kind of fell into the industry and I am so very grateful.

Top 3 advice tips for students and new grads coming into the industry 

  1. Have and open mind! Always look deep into the root of all things and seek out the positive.
  2. Have a solid work ethic! People are drawn to others who show strong character and a can do attitude!
  3. Never take anything or anyone for granted! Life passes by so very quickly we tend to miss opportunities to say thank you.

Tell us why your Food Job Rocks?

Training is the foundation for every aspect of our lives and the principals we teach influence individuals minds in either a positive or a negative manner. We begin our training from the moment we are conceived until the moment we depart and our journey can be remarkable!

My colleagues often ask why I soar around the plant every day in high spirits. I tell them, I have the best job in the plant. I ensure all interactions are positive by greeting them with a genuine smile and whole hearted salutation! I support all departments with every incentive put forth therefore I am called upon for a variety of tasks, many of which are unrelated to my specific role. An integral part of my job is to assess needs and supply solutions so this challenges me to be creative and innovative.

Favourite quote?

There are so many inspiring quotes, which hold great meaning for me so to choose just one is like choosing between my children, they are all precious to my heart.

“Laughter lifts us over high ridges and lights up dark valleys in a way that makes life so much easier.  It is a priceless gem, a gift of release and healing direct from Heaven” -Alan Cohen

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