Our Partners

Food and Beverage Ontario (FBO)

FBO is a not-for-profit, leadership organization dedicated to advancing the interests of Ontario’s food and beverage processors.  ‘Our focus is on the success, prosperity and growth of the food and beverage processing sector. We work collaboratively with our colleagues and partners across the agriculture and food supply chain’.

FoodGrads is the program partner delivering mentorship sessions and job fairs via CareersNOW! – FBO’s workforce development initiative.



As the voice of Agriculture in the Classroom Ontario, AgScape provides factual, balanced, curriculum-linked food literacy programs and resources to Ontario’s educators and students. FoodGrads is a featured resource supporting AgScape to bring food & beverage processing career exploration into the classroom.

Canadian Food Innovation Network (CFIN)

A national member-based organization that connects the Canadian food ecosystem to fresh insights, ideas, and technologies. CFIN members can access YODL an interactive, self-serve platform that connects CFIN members to new ideas, partners, funding, and resources to grow their business and increase their innovation capacity.

FoodGrads has partnered to deliver resources, services and activities via their Career Hub.

Food Health Consumer Products of Canada (FHCP)

Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada (FHCP) is the voice of Canada’s leading food, health, & consumer product manufacturers. ‘Our industry employs more people than any other manufacturing sector in Canada, across businesses of all sizes that manufacture and distribute the safe, high-quality products at the heart of healthy homes, healthy communities, and a healthy Canada’.

Meat & Poultry Ontario (MPO)

Meat & Poultry Ontario is the heart of Ontario’s meat industry.

‘Through our innovative services we bring recognized leadership, meaningful connections and practical insights to our members and Ontario consumers. We are relentlessly focused on helping Ontario’s butchers, meat processors and their suppliers connect with markets (and one another) so they can grow their business and our sector of independent meat processors’.

Meat & Poultry Ontario is energized by the changes coming. ‘Working with and for our members, we will continue to develop tools and programs that allow innovative and creative butchers to connect with consumers in Ontario and across Canada’.

Food Producers of Canada (FPC)

Since 1989, Food Producers of Canada (FPC) has been an advocate for, and consultant to food producers, helping them sustain conditions that keep nutritious, locally made, and competitively priced food available for Canadians.

‘As a leading national voice of the Canadian food and beverage industry, we stand by the critical importance of food sovereignty, farming sustainability, home – based Canadian production, and continuous innovation, as well as, environmentally responsible packaging and sustainable distribution’.

Food Processing Skills Canada (FPSC)

Food Processing Skills Canada develops training programs and products to meet the needs of food and beverage manufacturers. ‘We are proudly motivated to make food processing more efficient and competitive in the Canadian and international market.

‘Our organization addresses workforce development needs such as labour shortages, retention of workers, new immigrants, labour market information and develop robust national standards/training’.

My Food Job Rocks!

The My Food Job Rocks! Podcast was developed to inform people about cool jobs in the food industry, especially food science, innovation and start-up conversations.

FoodGrads was an original partner and continues to support this amazing content Adam created!

Research Chefs Association (RCA)

The Research Chefs Association is the leading professional community for food research and development. Its members are the pioneers of the discipline of Culinology® – the blending of culinary arts and the science of food.
