
Irene Zhu

Food and Nutrition Student

About me

Irene Zhu (she/her) is finishing her double Honors Specialization in Integrated Sciences with Biology & Nutrition and Dietetics at Western University. She completed her thesis in computational biology and has conducted research for academia, industry, and recently for a start-up leveraging data science in nutrition.  She is also an avid participant of case and business competitions. 

Within the food industry, she hopes to leverage her entrepreneurial skills in content, product, sales & finance, marketing, partnerships, and research & development. 


September 2021
Honour Specialization in Integrated Sciences with Biology
Western University

September 2020 -February 2022
Honours Specialization in Food and Nutrition
Brescia University

Work Experience

July 2018 -Jan 2019
Research Assistant

PolyAnalytik (ISO 9001 and ISO 17025 Compliant) offers analytical support to petrochemical, pharmaceutical, biotech, medical, automobile, academia, food and agricultural and related research institutions. Specializations include molecular characterization of plastics, synthetic polymers, natural polymers, biopolymers and proteins using SEC/GPC, Light Scattering, and Solution Viscosity techniques

July 2019 -May 2020
Sunrise Senior Living

Sunrise Senior Living is a resident-centered senior care facility. The Sunrise facility at Thornhill has a dining room that offers senior-friendly, personalized options during  breakfast, lunch and dinners in a luxury-dining environment. 
