
Hear from a Plant Manager at ConAgra Foods

Name:  Lance Olson

Title: Plant Manager

Company:  ConAgra Foods

Years worked in current role:  10

Years of experience in food industry:  27

In 300 characters or less describe your job:

The plant manager has overall responsibility for all aspects of plant performance including safety, quality, employee development, financial, productivity, continuous improvement, engineering, security, environmental and hiring to name a few.  The most important aspect of my job is to invest in and develop my team and expect them to do the same with their teams and building a culture of change and continuous improvement.

What are the top 3 characteristics you need to be good at your job:

  1. Decisive
  2. Authentic & vulnerable
  3. Resilient

Why did you decide to pursue a career in food?

Was interested in how products are made.

Top 3 advice tips for students and new grads coming into the industry  

Find something your passionate about and do it well.  The work you do now will serve you later in your career.

Tell us why your Food Job Rocks?

What gets me up and excited about work every day is the opportunity to help others discover what they are capable of.

Favourite quote?

The harder I work the luckier I seem to get – Thomas Jefferson

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