
Introducing the (free) Ebook: Career Paths in Food and Beverage

Last Updated on February 21, 2023

Do you want to learn about the exciting and vast opportunities in food, beverage and hospitality industries?

If you follow our social media channels than you might have seen some big news over the past few weeks. FoodGrads just released their first book.

It’s called Career Paths in the Food and Beverage and it is a 150+ page book covering careers in the food processing and food service.

Over the past year, I’ve been working hard on this book because I wanted to create a valuable resource for students.

When I was a Chemistry undergraduate student I knew that I wanted to work in the food industry. However, I didn’t quite know what I wanted to do. There were so many possibilities like Quality Assurance, Research and Development and Technical Sales just to name a few.

The problem came when I went to investigate these roles, I couldn’t find many good resources to tell me more about these jobs. Simple information like the education needed, the skills needed and what they do on a day to day basis just wasn’t out there.

After working in the industry both through my co-op positions and full time job I started to pick up some knowledge. Through my personal experiences and talking with colleagues I picked up a lot and wanted to share these insights. Career Paths in Food and Beverage is a the resource I wish I had when I was a student.

The FoodGrads E-Book  Career Paths in Food and Beverage, explains 50 career paths in the food processing and food service industries.

Here’s what you’ll find within the book’s 150+ pages:

  1. Career Profiles Learn about careers you never knew existed and what they do on a daily basis.
  2. Education What education do you need to get these careers.
  3. Skills Every profile covers the three most important skills you need to excel at these careers.
  4. Videos, podcasts and articles Reading about careers alone can be boring. We made sure to include resources so you can hear from the people directly who live their jobs.
  5. Resources Resources to help kick start your job search.
  6. Awesome art Ronella our chief artist drew amazing art for the book. We just had to mention that!

I worked incredibly hard on this book and would love to hear what you think of it. This book is meant for student, so I always want to know the information which is most important to YOU! The beauty of an E-book is that it can always be updated with new information

If you have any comments, suggestions shoot an email over at:

Veronica is a Master’s thesis student in the Molecular Science program at Ryerson University. She is also a career partner with FoodGrads and has work experience in the food processing industry working both in R&D and QA.

Currently, she is performing research on water-in-oil emulsions stabilized by fat crystals. When she is not following her scientific endeavors you can find her enjoying Japanese anime, manga and video games.

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