
The Job Boards We Recommend For You

Last Updated on February 21, 2023

It can be so overwhelming to search for a job. There are more job boards than there are jobs it might seem!

Here is the approach we suggest, 2 easy steps that are logical and simple to follow:

  1. Check to see if there are any specific student or new graduate opportunities on the FoodGrads Job Board
  2. Take a look at the community job boards below that we recommend.

A Fresh Approach To Your Job Search

With so many jobs available through so many outlets we decided to make life easier by showcasing different communities within the food & beverage industry. In our opinion, these ‘hand picked’ niche job boards allow you to streamline your search and help you define your priorities as you start your career.

Defining your priorities will help you construct your resume in terms of the skills you want to highlight (and focus on developing) as well as your cover letter.

Remember, the first job you land may not be the dream job you had in mind–but everyone has to start somewhere–as your skills and experience increase so will the opportunities available to you.

Prioritizing the community you want to be part of is a great first step (and there is no reason you can’t jump to another at any point in your career, that’s the beauty of this industry!)

There might be crossover–meaning you might see the same company use different job boards for their opportunity–but in all lightly hood, companies are selecting their job board partner based on the types of people they hope to attract.

If you see yourself working for a mission based company, then a company like this will lightly advertise on the new B Corp website. B Corps are organizations that have demonstrated the necessary requirements to earn the certification.

Certified B Corporations are businesses that meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose. B Corps are accelerating a global culture shift to redefine success in business and build a more inclusive and sustainable economy.

An example of a B Corp is Green Space Brands based in Toronto. There are hundreds of B Corporations in Food & Beverage across the world.

So, whether your focus is manufacturing opportunities, opportunities related to craft beverages, the hospitality and restaurant world or those focused on cutting edge tech and innovation–we have you covered!

Let us know if this approach to your job search is working.  We love feedback….

Happy job searching Food Grads!

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