
FoodGrads Podcast Ep 32: Taking your food safety career global with Nasir Hameed, Sr. Corporate Director of Global Quality & Food Safety Systems at Acadian Seaplants

On episode 32 of the FoodGrads we interviewed Nasir Hameed, Sr. Corporate Director of Global Quality & Food Safety Systems at Acadian Seaplants. Acadian Seaplants is a family-owned business and is a fully-integrated, biotechnology manufacturer of premium agricultural products for animals and plants, cultivated sea-vegetables and functional ingredients derived from select species of marine plants.

In this episode Nasir and Veronica talked about all things food safety and his long standing career within. Nasir has traveled all around the world taking on positions from Pakistan, India, Dubai Canada and many more. He also talked to us about Acadian Seaplants and the different ways that seaweed is being used. It was interesting learning about what what it is like working in upper management positions in food safety. Nasir explained to Veronica how he stays on top of things and bridge the gap between what is going on on the ground level floor and corporate safety plans.

Overall, if you are interested in a career in food safety than you need to check out this episode. Nasir gave some really good advice about what you should be doing as your progress through your career. The key is to stay curious no how far along you are.

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